Crossroads Coven is inspired the Witches who were good to me, a Crone, when I was new to the CRAFT.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Why the rise in Witchcraft?

Forget everything you've heard about chanting naked under the Moon

Paganism is like exploring whatever's behind a hidden waterfall – refreshing droplets, presenting a diverse visual experience, and bursting with mystery and life in the backdrop. It's a vibrant tapestry of spiritual paths - all that honor nature's rhythm and the interconnectedness of everything.

Intrigued? Me too! Decades ago (yep. I'm THAT old) after suffering religious trauma from the most popular patriarchal religion in America, I stumbled upon the word "Pagan" and felt a curiosity ignite. "What was this mysterious path?"

I'd feared to even read about other Christian denominations before that. (The adults in my childhood had convinced me that to read anything published outside of the Seventh-day Adventist Church would be to invite Devil possession!)

Let me tell you, the rabbit hole went deep, and I was terrified, but I also felt claustrophobic in a religion that abused its followers. My childhood teachings had only emphasized one male god (the "jealous god" - and we all know that jealousy comes from those who feel insecure and have a very low self esteem). Women could not be leaders in that religion, in fact, when they menstruated, they were "dirty." 

Leviticus 15:19
“Whenever a woman has her menstrual period, she will be ceremonially unclean for seven days. Anyone who touches her during that time will be unclean until evening.

Yet what I read in books on Wicca - a woman's blood was LIFE! The female portion of humanity was to be honored, not shunned! So, after dipping my toe into Buddhism at first, because "witchcraft" was a word that terrified me, I then slowly began to learn about Pagans and it became clear that it was not a bunch of spooky rituals that Pagans were *selling,* but a profound connection with Earth. Witches had the same sense of natural connectedness that I'd always felt as a child while communing with household spirits and a joy for gardening. 

Nature's Whispers, Not Dogma's Chains

Unlike some religions with strict rules for what you can eat, wear, and whether or not you should dance, paganism felt much more like a conversation with the life that's inside all of us; animals, trees, plants, stones and more. Imagine standing barefoot on the cool grass, the wind whispering secrets through the calm love that's offered by the forest. That's the essence of Paganism – just a deep awareness of what you FEEL along with an inherent respect for nature and the belief that the Divine pulsates within every living thing around you.

Many Paths, One Beautiful Journey

Paganism isn't a monolith. It's a constellation of traditions, each with its own unique set of beliefs and practices. Dianic Witchcraft, with its focus on the Goddess, and on female empowerment, might resonate with you; especially if you're a woman who's working to escape trauma from a patriarchal religion (like I was back in the day). Or perhaps Heathenry, where you can connect with the ancient Norse Gods and Goddesses will pique your interest, thanks to all the power that radiates from chanting the Runic names and working with Odin. There's also Druidry, with its emphasis on ancestral wisdom, tree magic (especially the Oak) and the age-old magic from the Celtic nature-centric world. Many times, on my Facebook page, I talk about the plethora of witchy traditions, including Santeria, Hoodoo, Shamanism and much more. 

Finding Your Place Under the Pagan Sky

The beauty of paganism is that it's a choose-your-own-adventure opportunity. You can explore established traditions (such as Stregheria (Italian witchcraft), Brujeria (typically Spanish-related witchcraft but not always) or craft your own unique path from the wonderful genetic mix that makes up your DNA, including Hillbilly/Mountain magic (e.g., Appalachian witchcraft) and/or Hoodoo. Witchcraft can also be described in colors: Green being an herbal/garden witch, Black being affiliated with the dark arts and so on.

Weaving together elements from different practices may be what resonates the most with your soul. If that's the case, then you might be a self-described "Eclectic Witch" borrowing magical tips from a variety of traditions.

Paganism is about forging a personal connection with the Divine, whether you see that as a multitude of Gods and Goddesses (pantheism), a Cosmic force, or the very essence of Nature Herself (e.g., Hoodoo is not a religion but respects the power in roots, bark, and herbs and can sometimes work with religion, depending on the practitioner).

The Call of the Wild

Maybe you're yearning for a way to celebrate the changing seasons, to mark the fall harvest with gratitude, or just want to dance under the Full Moon. Or perhaps you simply crave a sense of belonging to something bigger than yourself that feels tangible. If that's the case, then Paganism might be the answer to the Spiritual connectedness that you've been yearning for.

So, ditch the myriad of misconceptions taught by fearful folks (organized religion)  and embrace your own inner Goddess and truth. Follow your curiosity. There's a whole world waiting to be discovered under the vast Pagan sky. It's time to start exploring!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Crossroads Coven (Tacoma, WA, USA) will ending its hiatus this Fall, 2024

Why do you want to Join this Coven?

If you're a witch living in Tacoma, and you're looking to join a Coven, answer the questions below. Email your responses to XRoadsCoven (at) gmail to express your interest. 

Unlike churches, Covens are quite small. So. understanding YOUR practice, and knowing your commitment to your witchy community is vital to our success as a magical family (which is what a Coven is).

After you submit your answers to the following 12 questions, we will get back to you with a response and will explain whether you align with our community goals or not. If not, we will try to help redirect you to a better fit (so you can find your best witchy allies). If so, a couple of us will agree to meet with you for coffee/tea at a mutually agreed upon venue so you have a chance to evaluate us as we also consider you.


  1. What drew you to Witchcraft and what does being a Witch mean to you?

  2. What is your experience with public rituals and community involvement in Paganism?

  3. What are your expectations of a Coven?

  4. How do you envision your role within the Crossroads Coven?

  5. What is your commitment level to attending Coven meetings and/or rituals?

  6. How do you feel about sharing your craft with others within the Coven?

  7. Are there any specific areas of witchcraft that you are particularly interested in exploring? Are there any areas to which you have a personal aversion? Are there any areas where you feel experienced and empowered to teach?

Compatibility and Group Dynamics

  1. How do you handle conflict within a group setting?

  2. What is your experience with group dynamics?

  3. How important is secrecy to you in your practice?

  4. What are your thoughts on different magical paths and traditions? (Meaning: How open are you to learning new things and trying different approaches?)

  5. What are your boundaries around energy work and sharing personal information?

If we accept your application, we will send you a list of monthly (Sundays, 5:00-9pm) when we will be gathering (these meetings are mandatory because they are only once per month). Public Sabbats, field trips, and other witchy events will be communicated throughout the year and will be voluntary. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Thriving among stress and irritation. Spell working tips for a witch

Thriving amongst stress and irritation. That's what Witches do! Every skilled Witch knows to stay emotionally neutral in all her relationships to maintain a sense of agency and personal magic with self-control. 

Because of interactions with other flawed human beings, any one of us can get kicked out of our personal power zone. We may be having difficulty living up to expectations at work, in the family, or in other places (e.g., a Coven) where we feel emotionally invested. Some coworkers and bosses can be such narcissistic bullies and there's POTENTIAL that we as witches can take strength from those scenarios as well. (Hint: A narcissist RELIES on you to feel weak, hurt, confused, and/or mentally conflicted. Do not give that power to him!)

To avoid getting hijacked, in an emotional swirl, so that you lose your sense of equilibrium or power, it's important to have techniques for maintaining your most calm sense of self. Allowing your emotions to heighten means you become a victim to such emotional vampires. Extreme emotions can make you stop thinking logically. Witches know that their power lies in having the mental acuity to direct energy. They are in charge of whatever narrative they tell themselves. Maintaining a sense of efficacy (the ability to produce a desired or intended result) requires that a Witch be prepared with good mental fodder so she can remain in a state of self-awareness and calm.

Below I present methods for moving stress THROUGH your system (e.g., put on a rage song and dance it out - whatever it takes for you to move rage/hurt out of your body when dealing with someone who is irregular - do that!) That is how you get back into your body and take back control of who you are. 

We've all experienced undesired emotions (sadness, betrayal, hurt, mental fuckery). An experienced Witch does not hold on to such chaos or pain but sends that emotion to move through and away from Her. The intensity of any emotion only lasts in waves that pass in about 90 seconds. That's why deep breathing helps to regain mental clarity. It also helps if the Witch can focus on the situation that's harming Her from a non-emotional point of view while she's doing that deep breathing. "I am breathing. I am alright!"


Usually, whatever causes an emotionally tense response in you comes from the story that you're telling yourself about the facts in a situation. So if you can switch your thinking to something that's more objective (less subjective) it will predispose you to get back into your power. 

When Muggles get upset, they ask: "Why is this happening TO me?" As a Witch, when we are in a situation where it feels like things are not going our way - we ask "why might this be happening FOR me?" Therein lies the Witch's power. 

Instead of allowing yourself to feel like a victim, take charge and ask: "What is the learning?" and "What is the opportunity?" 
These questions enable every Witch to switch Her perspective, and a Witch's perspective is EVERYTHING! That's where her magic lies!

Maybe it's your approach and not the other person who behaves defiantly, that is the problem. Asking "Why might this be happening FOR me?" will enable you to see how your interactions are influencing that other person.

On a personal level, I previously created "problems" just by being too helpful or too kind to coworkers. When they started being MEAN to me, dumping all their work on me last minute after we had all been preparing for a big project together, I had to ask myself, "What is the learning?" "What POWER can I take from this experience?" "Why might this be happening FOR me?" 

In every relationship, there is an exchange between you and the "irregular" who is causing you grief. What is in it for them? Knowing what motivates them will give you more power to capitalize on the situation. Move that energy toward the more desired outcome that you seek. 

In my workplace, I've learned to admit, "No. I don't have time to run those files over to you. I will leave them here in the office for you to pick up." Just by entertaining that small thought - by asking? "How am I contributing to this story? Why is this happening FOR me?" I began to see the energetic strings that connected my behavior to the other individuals. I began setting healthier boundaries and (oddly enough) respect came to me as a result.


Other perspectives that can be added to deep breathing follow: (these tips go beyond visualizing that undesirable emotion and moving it down into the Earth, where our Mother can convert it into fertilizer for the betterment of everyone) 

Grounding and Centering

  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Regular practice can significantly reduce stress levels. Focus on your breath, body sensations, and the present moment. "At this moment, I am SAFE. Everything is working together for my best interest."
  • Earthing: Connect with nature. Walk barefoot on grass, hug a tree, or simply sit outside to breathe in fresh air. This grounds your energy and helps you feel more centered.

Protection and Cleansing

  • Protective Spells: Create a personal protection amulet or spell to shield yourself from negative energy.
  • Cleansing Rituals: Use smoke cleansing (sage, palo santo) or salt (make a spritz of salt water to call upon the Ocean for strength when you need Her). Do whatever works best for you to purify your aura and space.

Stress Relief and Calm

  • Calm and Peace Spells: Utilize herbs like lavender, chamomile, or valerian in spells, baths, or teas.
  • Visualization: Imagine yourself in a peaceful place. This can be a powerful tool for relaxation.  
  • Energy Work: Practice energy healing techniques like Reiki or Qi Gong to balance your energy field.

Boosting Resilience

  • Strength and Courage Spells: Work with symbols of strength, like the ox, an oak tree, a rowan, or High John Conqueror root, to enhance your resilience. Crystals also help empower the Witch.
  • Affirmation Magic: Create positive affirmations and repeat them daily to build self-confidence. 
    • "I am the most terrifying fortress of calm in this forest of chaos."
    • "My inner strength is far greater than this external storm."
    • "I am capitalizing on all the energy that touches down around me and I am redirecting it for my best advantage."

Additional Tips

  • Journaling: Write about your feelings to release emotional tension.
  • Exercise: Physical activity helps reduce stress and improve mood.  
  • Healthy Diet: Nourishing your body supports overall well-being.   
  • Sleep: Prioritize adequate sleep for optimal mental and physical health. A Witch needs to be healthy to be powerful. Eat fresh food and take care of your body!

Why the rise in Witchcraft?

Forget everything you've heard about chanting naked under the Moon Paganism is like exploring whatever's behind a hidden waterfall –...