Crossroads Coven is inspired the Witches who were good to me, a Crone, when I was new to the CRAFT.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Crossroads Coven (Tacoma, WA, USA) will ending its hiatus this Fall, 2024

Why do you want to Join this Coven?

If you're a witch living in Tacoma, and you're looking to join a Coven, answer the questions below. Email your responses to XRoadsCoven (at) gmail to express your interest. 

Unlike churches, Covens are quite small. So. understanding YOUR practice, and knowing your commitment to your witchy community is vital to our success as a magical family (which is what a Coven is).

After you submit your answers to the following 12 questions, we will get back to you with a response and will explain whether you align with our community goals or not. If not, we will try to help redirect you to a better fit (so you can find your best witchy allies). If so, a couple of us will agree to meet with you for coffee/tea at a mutually agreed upon venue so you have a chance to evaluate us as we also consider you.


  1. What drew you to Witchcraft and what does being a Witch mean to you?

  2. What is your experience with public rituals and community involvement in Paganism?

  3. What are your expectations of a Coven?

  4. How do you envision your role within the Crossroads Coven?

  5. What is your commitment level to attending Coven meetings and/or rituals?

  6. How do you feel about sharing your craft with others within the Coven?

  7. Are there any specific areas of witchcraft that you are particularly interested in exploring? Are there any areas to which you have a personal aversion? Are there any areas where you feel experienced and empowered to teach?

Compatibility and Group Dynamics

  1. How do you handle conflict within a group setting?

  2. What is your experience with group dynamics?

  3. How important is secrecy to you in your practice?

  4. What are your thoughts on different magical paths and traditions? (Meaning: How open are you to learning new things and trying different approaches?)

  5. What are your boundaries around energy work and sharing personal information?

If we accept your application, we will send you a list of monthly (Sundays, 5:00-9pm) when we will be gathering (these meetings are mandatory because they are only once per month). Public Sabbats, field trips, and other witchy events will be communicated throughout the year and will be voluntary. 

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