Crossroads Coven is inspired the Witches who were good to me, a Crone, when I was new to the CRAFT.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Why the rise in Witchcraft?

Forget everything you've heard about chanting naked under the Moon

Paganism is like exploring whatever's behind a hidden waterfall – refreshing droplets, presenting a diverse visual experience, and bursting with mystery and life in the backdrop. It's a vibrant tapestry of spiritual paths - all that honor nature's rhythm and the interconnectedness of everything.

Intrigued? Me too! Decades ago (yep. I'm THAT old) after suffering religious trauma from the most popular patriarchal religion in America, I stumbled upon the word "Pagan" and felt a curiosity ignite. "What was this mysterious path?"

I'd feared to even read about other Christian denominations before that. (The adults in my childhood had convinced me that to read anything published outside of the Seventh-day Adventist Church would be to invite Devil possession!)

Let me tell you, the rabbit hole went deep, and I was terrified, but I also felt claustrophobic in a religion that abused its followers. My childhood teachings had only emphasized one male god (the "jealous god" - and we all know that jealousy comes from those who feel insecure and have a very low self esteem). Women could not be leaders in that religion, in fact, when they menstruated, they were "dirty." 

Leviticus 15:19
“Whenever a woman has her menstrual period, she will be ceremonially unclean for seven days. Anyone who touches her during that time will be unclean until evening.

Yet what I read in books on Wicca - a woman's blood was LIFE! The female portion of humanity was to be honored, not shunned! So, after dipping my toe into Buddhism at first, because "witchcraft" was a word that terrified me, I then slowly began to learn about Pagans and it became clear that it was not a bunch of spooky rituals that Pagans were *selling,* but a profound connection with Earth. Witches had the same sense of natural connectedness that I'd always felt as a child while communing with household spirits and a joy for gardening. 

Nature's Whispers, Not Dogma's Chains

Unlike some religions with strict rules for what you can eat, wear, and whether or not you should dance, paganism felt much more like a conversation with the life that's inside all of us; animals, trees, plants, stones and more. Imagine standing barefoot on the cool grass, the wind whispering secrets through the calm love that's offered by the forest. That's the essence of Paganism – just a deep awareness of what you FEEL along with an inherent respect for nature and the belief that the Divine pulsates within every living thing around you.

Many Paths, One Beautiful Journey

Paganism isn't a monolith. It's a constellation of traditions, each with its own unique set of beliefs and practices. Dianic Witchcraft, with its focus on the Goddess, and on female empowerment, might resonate with you; especially if you're a woman who's working to escape trauma from a patriarchal religion (like I was back in the day). Or perhaps Heathenry, where you can connect with the ancient Norse Gods and Goddesses will pique your interest, thanks to all the power that radiates from chanting the Runic names and working with Odin. There's also Druidry, with its emphasis on ancestral wisdom, tree magic (especially the Oak) and the age-old magic from the Celtic nature-centric world. Many times, on my Facebook page, I talk about the plethora of witchy traditions, including Santeria, Hoodoo, Shamanism and much more. 

Finding Your Place Under the Pagan Sky

The beauty of paganism is that it's a choose-your-own-adventure opportunity. You can explore established traditions (such as Stregheria (Italian witchcraft), Brujeria (typically Spanish-related witchcraft but not always) or craft your own unique path from the wonderful genetic mix that makes up your DNA, including Hillbilly/Mountain magic (e.g., Appalachian witchcraft) and/or Hoodoo. Witchcraft can also be described in colors: Green being an herbal/garden witch, Black being affiliated with the dark arts and so on.

Weaving together elements from different practices may be what resonates the most with your soul. If that's the case, then you might be a self-described "Eclectic Witch" borrowing magical tips from a variety of traditions.

Paganism is about forging a personal connection with the Divine, whether you see that as a multitude of Gods and Goddesses (pantheism), a Cosmic force, or the very essence of Nature Herself (e.g., Hoodoo is not a religion but respects the power in roots, bark, and herbs and can sometimes work with religion, depending on the practitioner).

The Call of the Wild

Maybe you're yearning for a way to celebrate the changing seasons, to mark the fall harvest with gratitude, or just want to dance under the Full Moon. Or perhaps you simply crave a sense of belonging to something bigger than yourself that feels tangible. If that's the case, then Paganism might be the answer to the Spiritual connectedness that you've been yearning for.

So, ditch the myriad of misconceptions taught by fearful folks (organized religion)  and embrace your own inner Goddess and truth. Follow your curiosity. There's a whole world waiting to be discovered under the vast Pagan sky. It's time to start exploring!

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Why the rise in Witchcraft?

Forget everything you've heard about chanting naked under the Moon Paganism is like exploring whatever's behind a hidden waterfall –...